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Thursday, April 17, 2008

UMPC Listing and Compare

I found this little site that compares UMPCs side by side and gives links to a more detailed page of each.

I was blown away by how many there are listed here, and I know there are some that are not on the list. This market has been growing rapidly for what seems like just a few years. There are different manufacturers for different regions, such as Pioneer for Australia and there DreamBook UMPC.

This market is getting more and more stocked with these machines. The problem now is how to tell a good machine from a poor one. Most reviews are speculative at best and very few well known sites have actually reviewed them thoroughly.

In time these machines will be as commonplace as the typical laptop and we will have all the details needed to make the proper decisions on which one to buy and what we are looking for in the machine.

Until then, be wary of great deals and know what you want, before you buy!

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