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Friday, April 11, 2008

Introducing...The Microsoft Store!

OK, so yes, this is an Apple rip-off, and yes, I am not sure what they're going to be selling, but...isn't it about time Microsoft does this?!?

I mean seriously, if Apple can do it, why not Microsoft? They have the Zune, Windows Vista and XP, Office, etc. Even if they just had a PC running Vista Ultimate I would like to see it in action!

This would also be a great way for Microsoft to advertise new products and to actually show a live side-by-side comparison with Apple. This maybe critical seeing as how a few of the Apple vs. PC adds (you know, the ones on TV) seem to either have misinformation or be just plain old made up. Click here to see the article on this.

Anyways, I think it is a grand idea. I just wonder where they'll put them. Kiosks?

Original article here.

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