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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

'The Grid' Could Soon Make the Internet Obsolete

This is very impressive. The story covers the developers of the original Internet and their achievements in creating a super fast 'Grid' system to capture data at extremely high speeds. The article boasts of speeds surpassing 10,000 times that of typical broadband speeds.

If what is contained in this article is true, then the Internet could get a very large boost in speed in the next five or so years (my speculation.)

The next question would be when the hardware for modems and routing devices will become available to the corporate and government arenas. After these groups get the original hardware and software, the consumer market won't be far behind.

Is this the next Internet? Is this a replacement for the fabled www2? Hopefully we will live long enough to see this system in it's commercial form and be able to judge it's personal worth for ourselves.


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