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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Vista Premium Review - Day 7

After a week of working with Windows Vista Premium, I am beginning to have some mixed feelings towards my new OS. Overall, the experience has not been too bad. There have been a few bumps here and there though.
The Good

Last night I was trying to switch my network connection from wireless to local LAN and somehow in the process "disabled" my ethernet card. This caused me quite a bit of frustration until I realized that the way the OS seemed to handle the issue was quite brilliant.

The ethernet port was disabled after encountering an issue (caused by me) and I had to navigate to the device manager to resolve it. The device manager stated that a problem had occured with the ehternet port and it had been disabled. I re-enabled it and it worked just fine.

I think that might be a good idea, for people with some technical skill anyways, in how they handle hardware issues. In XP (as far as I have seen) if there is an issue, it may or may not be visible via the hardware manager.

The Bad

Again, I am not sure if it was user error, poor manufacturing or what, but my wifes DVD-RW drive did not show up on the My Computer screen. After about an hour or so on the phone with Dell, the issue was resolved and the drive worked fine.

We are not sure if it ever worked to begin with! The good tech support guy at Dell also gave me some hints for the Internet Explorer too.

The tech person told me that when the IE gets to running slowly, go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advance -> Reset. this resets any changes made to the IE's settings and restores the manufacturers defaults. Again, problem solved.

Also, it seems that my mere 1GB RAM is not as adequate as it was once the boxed was first opened. I threw some office apps, some dev suites and some anti-virus and such on the machine...and the system can slow down, sometimes coming to a stop.

Although it is pretty obvious I need more RAM and maybe a few less applications, I am still fairly pleased with the OS. It seems sturdy and fairly resilient to problems, and assists the user in correcting found issues, to an extent.

The Score

Overall Score: 3.0
Lock Ups: 1
Fixes Needed: 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Mi nombre es Javier Polo Pérez y soy Ingeniero, y desde hace varios años me dedico a la Informática de Gestión. He desarrollado varias soluciones informáticas que en el Mundo Hispano han obtenido una buena acogida debido a sus prestaciones y fácil manejo, muchos ya las conocerán sus nombres son: Clinicas @Clinic @OdontoClinic @PsicoClinic @PodoClinic @FisioClinic Inmobiliarias InmoServer Facturacion ProServer @GesPYME Comunidades AdmiCom Veterinarias @VetGes Promocion GesProm Prevencion PrevGes Almacen @GeSTOCK Personal @GesRRHH Turismo @GesTUR

Me gustaría comentar que tras un año de pelea con Windows Vista intentando adaptar mis programas a dicho sistema operativo, lo cual he conseguido con mucho esfuerzo, finalmente he vuelto con mi Windosw XP, por tanto si lo que desean es un sistema operativo estable que no de ni un solo problema lo recomiendo.

Si desean ver mi trabajo y descargarse mis programas en forma gratuita pueden acceder a la web del Club ReM su dirección es o en

Un Saludo

Javier Polo

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