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Monday, November 24, 2008

Google Chrome Goes Non- Beta in 2009

I never thought I'd live to see that day (and still might not) that Google actually released something from beta into a full fledged release! 

Hopefully this "release" will include some decent, Firfox like, plug-ins or add-ons.  Something along the lines of FireBug or FireFTP would be very useful, and handy. I have seen several blogs and forums begging Google for these features. 

Chrome has a lot of potential, but so far their have been no updates or patches or any news of fixes for it's ailments. If I need testing or work related Internet, I use IE 7. 

The other side of the coin, aside from functionality and what is released, is what kind of role will Chrome take in the future of the browser wars? Chrome is thought to be very popular. It is great for quick browsing and such. Is Microsoft worried about losing stock? Even with IE 8 in Beta right now? And let's not forget about the mighty Firefox.

The browser wars are heating up more and more and it seems that Chrome is destined to take it's place on the medal podium, somewhere...but where?

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