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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do You Twitter?

Although it has been around for some time now, it seems that the idea of "Tweeting" is just catching on to some groups.

I personally just recently started taking a look at Twitter. I have spent some time with Facebook and MySpace over the years, but "tweeting" was new to me.

The social networking phenomenon has exploded with the likes of Facebook and MySapce in recent times.  To some, this idea is as foreign as KimchiThe idea of blurting out "what your doing" to a vast audience of people around the world whom one does not know, can be a little intimidating.

To some though, this can be an invaluable tool for venting or simply keeping connected to friends and co-workers via a simple Internet interface. 

The service is free, and can be used with a variety of plug ins (Digsby, TwitterFox) and can even used to send the "tweets" to your cell phone.

Twitter isn't like your typical Instant Messaging, where you relay text in real time to others you are connected to. With Twitter, you simply post a message, of no more than around 160 characters, and anyone and everyone can read it. Anyone viewing you message can reply to it directly or in general. 

There are some private replies and "Direct" messages as well with Twitter. These can be for more of a one on one conversation.

All in all Twitter is not a bad form of social networking, nor is it a Instant Messenger killer. In the end it begs me to ask the simple question: Who needs to be that connected?

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