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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cd's Replaced By "SlotMusic"?

According to some reports, the age of CDs' may be in the final stages of life. While it is doubtful that anyone would disagree with this considering the surge over the last 10 years of digital music downloads and MP3 players, the trend that may drive the last nail might be.

According to a report on Fox News, the latest trend is Micro SD cards, preloaded with the album. The music would have no copyright protection. The report says that the Micro SD card may be as large as 1GB.

This has been tried previously with USB jump drives. These came preloaded with music and some cover art on the drive itself, or at least on the packaging.

So here is the obvious question: If one wanted, could you rip the music from the card, wipe the card clean and reuse it?

Although this is not a bad idea, why would anyone who doesn't need a new Micro SD card buy one with music, when they can download the same music for a possible lower price?

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