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Monday, April 21, 2008

The Mac Mini...Do They Still Make These?

The answer to this question is yes!

I have often seen the Mac Mini as a way for those, like myself, who have desired to use a Mac without shelling out well over a thousand dollars for the MacBook or MacBook Air to satisfy this desire. The Mac Pro and iMacs are still available, but they have the same problem for me...the price.

Here are some simple stats on the Mac Mini, according to the Apple Store:

1.83GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB memory
80GB hard drive1

This will cost you $599, buying direct from the Apple Store.

This of course does not come with a keyboard or mouse ($98), or a monitor ($599 for a 20" flat panel). These add up significantly, and tend to scare would be buyers away.

But you don't have to get the $599 monitor. Here is a link to help explain why.

Hopefully, one day, the MacBooks will be at a reasonable enough price for even me to seriously consider buying them. Until then, I will keep monitoring the Mac Mini...and hoping.

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