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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

If OSX Was Available on Non-Proprietary Hardware, Would You Ditch Windows, Macs?

This is a excellent question for the growing collection of build-your-own-box computer buffs. Would you use OSX on your computer if you could simply install the OS wherever you wanted to?

My main point of contention with Apple and The Mac OS in particular, is that it is proprietary. If you buy an Intel based system, with Mac OSX preinstalled, you can upgrade to the latest OSX version easily.

If you have built your own PC from scratch, your options are Windows and Linux. Of course there are ways to install OS X on any machine, but they are hacks and not a custom install from the manufacturer.

I would seriously consider buying a copy of Mac OS X and installing it as a dual boot OS on a system if I could. It seems to me that Apple should be considering this, and I find it hard to believe that they are not.

Maybe one day all one will need is the hardware, the OS and the desire to build whatever machine they want, however they want. Until then, we will just have to wait and wonder...

Original Gizmodo link.

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