Google Search


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Google vs. Cuil

I am not sure how many of you out there have tried, or heard of Cuil, pronounced "cool", the Google challenger for search engines. I have tried it and I have to tell you, it might be pretty, but it doesn't always find what you're looking for.

Example, I searched for the upcoming Sylvania MESO. Here are the links to the results pages for Google and Cuil.

Google results

Cuil results

I am not sure how else to compare the two result sets: 23,200 matches vs. 0.

I know Cuil does look impressive and has a cool (no pun intended) feel to it, but I am thinking that with over 121 BILLION pages indexed, it should have found something! Maybe it's just me!

What do you think about Cuil?

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